Coerce a string into a uuid in Postgres
User Retention with Lness using PostgreSQL and Superset
Calling with Commas in Javascript
Importing the Computer Modern font as Woff2
Macaroni and Cheese
Building a Serverless PGP Keyserver with Next.js
Using WKD to find PGP keys with GSuite
A Bayesian Analysis of Win Rates of Twilight Imperium (4th Edition) Races
Upgrade your SSH key to ed25519
Gmail with Mutt, GPG, Pass, and your Yubikey
Openskill vs TrueSkill Implementations
Dynamically Added ActiveRecord Where Clauses
GPG Inline Photo Viewer with iTerm2
Postgres 10 to 11 upgrade
Creating a hash in Ruby using to_h vs Hash[]
Brew install Estonian e-Residency ID software
Testing a Redux Connected Component with Thunk Actions with Enzyme
Removing the First Instance of an Element from a ES6 JavaScript Array
Prefer `if object.present?` over `if object`
R2: The Infinite Composer
Transitioning PGP Keys
Error: ENOENT when installing Pow on macOS
Class 'foo' has no initializers
Configure MySQL on AWS t2.micro Linux AMI
Using Java 8 Lambdas with Google Guava Caches
How to parameterize an RSpec shared context
How to use JUnit4 Hamcrest Matchers
New City, New Job, New Format
Using SUBSTR on the left of an assignment in SAS
Installing SAS 9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04
SAS Macro Variable Resolution Timing
Using Secure HTTPS (SSL) URLs in SAS on Linux
Handlebars #each in a Play Scala View
Open a folder window from a terminal in Windows and macOS
Using a Backbone Model with Handlebars
Mining Bitcoin in the Eligius pool using Phoenix2
Automatic Base SAS Library Assignments
Finding the Center of US Counties in SAS
Bayesian Averaging in SAS
How To Save Struts Messages After a Redirect
WARNING: Form 'myForm' not found for locale 'en_US'
Getting the last element in an array in JSF and JSTL
Selecting Rows from the Last 5 Years in SAS
Two Common Struts Null Pointer Exceptions
A Farmville 2 Profit/Experience Maximization Spreadsheet
How to write your own Custom SAS Functions
Blackjack Dealer Odds
Turning an Image File into a binary Bitmask in Java
METAOUT=DATA error in SAS Enterprise Guide
Mute George Takei stories from your Facebook News Feed
How to use a SWITCH Statement in SAS
Facebook OAuth with Scribe and Gson in Struts 1
Using a SAS LIBNAME's connection in Pass-through
Java for-each iterating with a Scanner
I made a GPS Locator for Myself
Multiple Instances of the Same Embedded JPA Entity
Chained Struts Actions Accessible Only by Forward
New in Java 7: switch()ing on Strings
SOPA Strike, January 18
How to Create an Empty SAS Dataset
DIY LED Hula Hoop
Please stop creating links with target="_new".
Using Eclipse WTP with Maven's eclipse:eclipse Goal
Servlet Filters mapped to JSPs in Tomcat
How to get the Last Day of a Month in SAS
Maximum sizes of MySQL Blob Fields
This is how I feel about C
Adding Tiles to a Struts 1.3 Project with a Custom Request Processor
This is how I feel about Perl
CSS even/odd row selectors! Finally!
Using SAS/OR to solve Sudoku puzzles
Euler's Identity; e^(i*pi)=-1
Things I Learned from Wiring a Car Stereo
Excel 2010's Default AutoRecover Location
Mode 7, and How to Fake Depth in 2d
EAGLE Library for 4-Digit 7-Segment LED Display
ii - A True Minimalist's IRC Client
Easy Way to Remove All Variable Labels in SAS
HDCP Cracked?
Wicket Homepage Redirecting
Hello, Rule 30
SQL Optimization: Union vs. Union All
Abusing Hash objects as a Stack in SAS Data Step
Neptune's Pride: Things I Learned The Hard Way
Looping through SAS metadata objects
Dramatically Increasing SAS DI Studio performance of SCD Type-2 Loader Transforms
Friends in 2009
Easy Inserting/Appending Libraries into FMTSEARCH path lists in SAS 9.2
Counting distinct variables in SQL with SAS
The Family Reunion Problem
For loops in SAS
NC Democrat Party refers to people as "Tea Baggers"
Removing formats from all variables in a SAS Dataset
Tablesaw that Won't Cut Fingers
AT&T U-Verse DNS Loopback workaround for 3800HGV-B
Sending HTTP Requests without Reloading and without AJAX
Second best Final Fantasy game now on PS3
Converting between Date and Datetime in SAS
Static Java List Instantiation
Barcamp 2009 Registration is open!
Reverse the Bits in a Byte in 3 operations
World of Goo, 75% off this weekend!
Redirecting with mod_rewrite without breaking OpenID
The Martini Shot
Relentless Boarding Parties
US State Adjacency Graph
Internal PC Speaker Beep on Startup and Shutdown
Galactica's Nine Lives
Chris is a bad human and Sean is a cylon once again!
How to retrieve the ID after a MySQL Insert in Python
How to remove iGoogle
Stuck with two Cylon cards
Enable mod_userdir for Apache2 on Ubuntu 8.10
.htaccess mod_rewrite Redirect Root / path to /blog directory
Double Nukes and Lucky Cylon Detection
Installing SAS 9.1.3 on Ubuntu Linux 8.10
Installing SAS 9.1.3 on OpenBSD 4.3
Debugging Urllib2 in Python
Jellyfish Lake
Friends in 2008
Backward for loop iteration in Python
Connecting to MySQL with PHP in Apache on OpenBSD
The Highest Socially Organized Mammals
Finding the Relative Importance of each State in the Electoral College
How to get an XDR Exchange Rate XML feed from the IMF
Why is Booze Measured in Proof?
Avoid Correlated Subqueries in SAS
Using WGET with HTTP GET Parameters
SAS Encoding Libname Option
Changing a SAS Dataset's Encoding
Turning HTTP Chunking off with PHP
Content-type for XML files
Using a Materialized Path Model for Trees within OLTP Databases (part 1)
Hard Drive Backup via Amazon S3
Two notes about RESTful services
Robinson Crusoe
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