Using SAS/OR to solve Sudoku puzzles
I just got back from SAS Global Forum 2011 and heard about this really cool package called SAS/OR (Operations Research).
Within it, there's a procedure called CLP, which does nothing short of programming voodoo.
The CLP procedure is a finite-domain constraint programming solver for constraint satisfaction
problems (CSPs) with linear, logical, global, and scheduling constraints.
Basically, you tell it your situation, and it tells you a solution. In the following example (pulled straight from the documentation), we tell it what the final solution of a sudoku would look like, and we give it a puzzle. Then it solves it for us.
proc clp out=outdata;
/* Define variables */
var (X_1_1-X_1_9) = [1,9];
var (X_2_1-X_2_9) = [1,9];
var (X_3_1-X_3_9) = [1,9];
var (X_4_1-X_4_9) = [1,9];
var (X_5_1-X_5_9) = [1,9];
var (X_6_1-X_6_9) = [1,9];
var (X_7_1-X_7_9) = [1,9];
var (X_8_1-X_8_9) = [1,9];
var (X_9_1-X_9_9) = [1,9];
/* Tell PROC CLP that all rows must be different */
/* Tell PROC CLP that all columns must be different */
alldiff(X_1_1 X_2_1 X_3_1 X_4_1 X_5_1 X_6_1 X_7_1 X_8_1 X_9_1);
alldiff(X_1_2 X_2_2 X_3_2 X_4_2 X_5_2 X_6_2 X_7_2 X_8_2 X_9_2);
alldiff(X_1_3 X_2_3 X_3_3 X_4_3 X_5_3 X_6_3 X_7_3 X_8_3 X_9_3);
alldiff(X_1_4 X_2_4 X_3_4 X_4_4 X_5_4 X_6_4 X_7_4 X_8_4 X_9_4);
alldiff(X_1_5 X_2_5 X_3_5 X_4_5 X_5_5 X_6_5 X_7_5 X_8_5 X_9_5);
alldiff(X_1_6 X_2_6 X_3_6 X_4_6 X_5_6 X_6_6 X_7_6 X_8_6 X_9_6);
alldiff(X_1_7 X_2_7 X_3_7 X_4_7 X_5_7 X_6_7 X_7_7 X_8_7 X_9_7);
alldiff(X_1_8 X_2_8 X_3_8 X_4_8 X_5_8 X_6_8 X_7_8 X_8_8 X_9_8);
alldiff(X_1_9 X_2_9 X_3_9 X_4_9 X_5_9 X_6_9 X_7_9 X_8_9 X_9_9);
/* Tell PROC CLP that all clusters must be different */
alldiff(X_1_1 X_1_2 X_1_3 X_2_1 X_2_2 X_2_3 X_3_1 X_3_2 X_3_3);
alldiff(X_1_4 X_1_5 X_1_6 X_2_4 X_2_5 X_2_6 X_3_4 X_3_5 X_3_6);
alldiff(X_1_7 X_1_8 X_1_9 X_2_7 X_2_8 X_2_9 X_3_7 X_3_8 X_3_9);
alldiff(X_4_1 X_4_2 X_4_3 X_5_1 X_5_2 X_5_3 X_6_1 X_6_2 X_6_3);
alldiff(X_4_4 X_4_5 X_4_6 X_5_4 X_5_5 X_5_6 X_6_4 X_6_5 X_6_6);
alldiff(X_4_7 X_4_8 X_4_9 X_5_7 X_5_8 X_5_9 X_6_7 X_6_8 X_6_9);
alldiff(X_7_1 X_7_2 X_7_3 X_8_1 X_8_2 X_8_3 X_9_1 X_9_2 X_9_3);
alldiff(X_7_4 X_7_5 X_7_6 X_8_4 X_8_5 X_8_6 X_9_4 X_9_5 X_9_6);
alldiff(X_7_7 X_7_8 X_7_9 X_8_7 X_8_8 X_8_9 X_9_7 X_9_8 X_9_9);
/* Linear conditions... (starting point) */
lincon X_1_3 = 5;
lincon X_1_6 = 7;
lincon X_1_9 = 1;
lincon X_2_2 = 7;
lincon X_2_5 = 9;
lincon X_2_8 = 3;
lincon X_3_4 = 6;
lincon X_4_3 = 3;
lincon X_4_6 = 1;
lincon X_4_9 = 5;
lincon X_5_2 = 9;
lincon X_5_5 = 8;
lincon X_5_8 = 2;
lincon X_6_1 = 1;
lincon X_6_4 = 2;
lincon X_6_7 = 4;
lincon X_7_3 = 2;
lincon X_7_6 = 6;
lincon X_7_9 = 9;
lincon X_8_5 = 4;
lincon X_8_8 = 8;
lincon X_9_1 = 8;
lincon X_9_4 = 1;
lincon X_9_7 = 5;
NOTE: Variable selection strategy: MINR.
NOTE: Value selection strategy: MIN.
NOTE: Preprocessing: ON
NOTE: Number of ALLDIFF constraints: 27.
NOTE: Number of LINEAR constraints: 24.
NOTE: Total number of arrays: 0.
NOTE: Total number of variables: 81.
NOTE: Total number of constraints: 51.
NOTE: Required number of solutions found (1).
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUTDATA has 1 observations and 81 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE CLP used (Total process time):
real time 0.05 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
X_1_1=9 X_1_2=8 X_1_3=5 X_1_4=3 X_1_5=2 X_1_6=7 X_1_7=6 X_1_8=4 X_1_9=1
X_2_1=6 X_2_2=7 X_2_3=1 X_2_4=5 X_2_5=9 X_2_6=4 X_2_7=2 X_2_8=3 X_2_9=8
X_3_1=3 X_3_2=2 X_3_3=4 X_3_4=6 X_3_5=1 X_3_6=8 X_3_7=9 X_3_8=5 X_3_9=7
X_4_1=2 X_4_2=4 X_4_3=3 X_4_4=7 X_4_5=6 X_4_6=1 X_4_7=8 X_4_8=9 X_4_9=5
X_5_1=5 X_5_2=9 X_5_3=7 X_5_4=4 X_5_5=8 X_5_6=3 X_5_7=1 X_5_8=2 X_5_9=6
X_6_1=1 X_6_2=6 X_6_3=8 X_6_4=2 X_6_5=5 X_6_6=9 X_6_7=4 X_6_8=7 X_6_9=3
X_7_1=4 X_7_2=5 X_7_3=2 X_7_4=8 X_7_5=3 X_7_6=6 X_7_7=7 X_7_8=1 X_7_9=9
X_8_1=7 X_8_2=1 X_8_3=6 X_8_4=9 X_8_5=4 X_8_6=5 X_8_7=3 X_8_8=8 X_8_9=2
X_9_1=8 X_9_2=3 X_9_3=9 X_9_4=1 X_9_5=7 X_9_6=2 X_9_7=5 X_9_8=6 X_9_9=4
But it gets even cooler! We can use the FINDALLSOLNS option and it will tell us all the possible solutions to the puzzle...
And by browsing the output, we can know that there are only 3 possible solutions where row 9, column 3 is a '6', which makes for a much more difficult puzzle.