For loops in SAS
When coding for loops in SAS, one neat thing to remember is that all of the parts of it are optional.
DO variable=start
<TO stop>
<BY increment>
<WHILE(expression) | UNTIL(expression)>
So in another language, what might be
for(int i=0;i < max;i++) {
In SAS, you can leave out the “by 1”, since it’s the default increment. So this would be
do i=0 to max;
What’s fun is in SAS you can combine a Repeat-Until/Do-While loop with a for loop. This might be useful if for some reason you don’t set the var “max” until you’ve iterated through the loop once, such as in this case, where “metadata_getnobj” returns a negative on fail, but otherwise returns the number of objects that match the query.
do i=1 by 1 until (i >= objs);
if rc>=0 then objs=rc;
if rc>=0 then leave;
This code loops through all the libraries in the metadata with libref=’MYLIBREF’, and exits with a URI for the first one it sees with at least one LibraryConnection association. This is useful when you have a remote library pointing to a local library and they both have the same name and you want a URI to the remote one.
Another cool thing with FOR loops in SAS is iteration through lists. In Java, say you have a block like this:
for(String x : new String[] { "a","b","c" }) {
In SAS, this is simply
do x="a","b","c";
put x=;