My PGP key fingerprint is 427E 0329 39DB 40F2 9D03 D80F 5B64 0B9F 9600 F122
To receive my PGP key, either run
gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-key 427E032939DB40F29D03D80F5B640B9F9600F122
curl | gpg --import
I am also philihp
on Keybase, and if you have their CLI client, you can follow and pull my key with
keybase follow philihp
keybase pgp pull
I live in San Francisco sometimes, and if you find yourself here I will totally sign your key. Then anyone who trusts my key will also trust your key, and anyone who you trust will also be trusted by them like a pyramid scheme of trust.
Signing your key will attest that:
- You are known to me by the identity on your UID
- I have verified you are the ower of the email on your UID
- If your key has a photo (recommended no more than 6kb, 240×288) as you.
gpg --ask-cert-level \
--ask-cert-expire \
--expert \
--sig-keyserver-url hkps:// \
--sig-policy-url '' \
--sign-key FINGERPRINT
gpg --export FINGERPRINT | \
gpg --armor --encrypt --recipient FINGERPRINT \
> FINGERPRINT-signedBy-9600F122.asc
I will then send this file to your email to verify that you have access to it. You can then import this file with
gpg --import FINGERPRINT-signedBy-9600F122.asc
You can then send your key signature up to the cloud, if you choose.
I will only issue cert levels of level 0x10 (Generic certification), for the points listed here: gpg --ask-cert-level
considered harmful.
My signature will be indefinite if your key expires in less than 2 years.